National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture |
Search results: 93 document(s) |
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Application of a candidate of Moscow University P.N.Rybnikov to the Olonets Governor to employ him as an official of the administration of the Olonets Governor
application (1859, May, 24) [with digitized pages]
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Article in "Olonets province gazette" about A.F.Gilferding"s death, funeral in Kargopol and further transfer of his body for being buried on the cemetery of Novodevichy monastery in Saint-Petersburg
article (1872, July, 12)
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Article in "Olonets province gazette" about awarding A.S.Chugunov a bronze medal for accompanying the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding during his trip around the Olonets province
article (1872, January, 29)
4 |
Barsov Yelpidifor Vasiljevich (1836-1917)
article (by national archives) [with digitized pages]
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Benediktov Vladimir Grigorjevich (1807-1873)
article (by national archives) [with digitized pages]
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Dashkov Vasily Andreyevich (1819-1896)
article (by national archives) [with digitized pages]
7 |
Data about Ye.V.Barsov"s official work from the list of civil, military ranks and ecclesiastics published in "Notebook of the Olonets province dd. 1868-1869"
data (1868, March, 20) [with digitized pages]
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Data about electing the councillor of State D.V.Polenov to be a member of a special temporary committee for executing a peasant reform
data (1860) [with digitized pages]
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Data from D.V.Polenov"s service record about his service from 1823 till 1859
data (1860, December, 29) [with digitized pages]
10 |
Data from the list of students of educational institutions of Petrozavodsk about awarding a pupil of the 1-st grade of Petrozavodsk uyezd school V.G.Benediktov, a brother of the poet V.G.Benediktov, a school testimonial of good conduct and progress
data (1820, June)
11 |
Decree of the Emperor of the Temporary office to the Olonets deputy council of noblemen approving the inclusion of a collegiate assessor G.S.Benediktov into the 3-d part of a family register of noblemen of the Olonets province
decree (1844, April, 24)
12 |
Deed of the Empress Catherine II to award Senate chief-secretary A.Ya.Polenov Order of Saint duke Vladimir of the Fourth Class
deed (1786)
13 |
Extract from the archive in Moscow about the Polenov"s family presented by A.Ya.Polenov to the Olonets deputy noble assembly
extract (1786) [with digitized pages]
14 |
Extract from the case of the Olonets Chamber of criminal and civil court about cutting down woods by a land-owing lady Sablina in the country-side of a landlord D.V.Polenov
extract (1852, December, 23)
15 |
Gilferding Alexander Fedorovich (1831-1872)
article (by national archives) [with digitized pages]
16 |
Information (from the report of the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev for 1871) about a visit of the chairman of the ethnography department of the Emperor Russian Geographical society A.F.Gilferding to the Olonets province for studying folklore
data (1872, May, 1)
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Information from "Notebook of the Olonets province dd. 1902" about V.G.Benediktov graduating from Olonets gymnasia and about a notebook of his poems kept in the gymnasia library
data (1902)
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Information from the list of noblemen of the Olonets province awarded bronze medals in memory of 1812 for putting them in the buttonhole on Vladimirskaya ribbon about awarding G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov
data (1815)
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Information from the list of noblemen of the Olonets province awarded bronze medals in memory of 1812 for putting them in the buttonhole on Vladimirskaya ribbon about awarding a councillor of State V.A.Polenov - a grandfather of the painter V.D.Polenov
data (1815)
20 |
Information from the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about a country property in Yerpenichi country-side of Lodeynopolsky uyezd that belonged to a councilor of State D.V.Polenov
record (1861, July, 10) [with digitized pages]
21 |
Information in "Olonets province gazette" about funeral of the chairman of the ethnography department of the Emperor Russian Geographical society A.F.Gilferding on the cemetery of Novodevichy monastery in Saint-Petersburg
information (1872, July, 15)
22 |
Information in "Olonets province gazette" about receiving the first part of Ye.V.Barsov"s collection "Lamentations of the Northern land" and a book review
information (1872, November, 4)
23 |
Letter of councillor of State, Senate chief-secretary, holder of an order of Saint Vladimir A.Ya.Polenov to the Olonets deputy noble assembly providing evidence of his belonging to the noble family
letter (1786, October, 5)
24 |
Letter of the Chairman of Moscow archaeological society to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the society Ye.V.Barsov to a research expedition
letter (1875, May, 18) [with digitized pages]
25 |
Letter of the Chairman of the Emperor Russian Geographical society F.P.Litke to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about a coming trip of the chairman of the ethnography department A.F.Gilferding around the Olonets province and about rendering him assistance
letter (1871, May, 26) [with digitized pages]
26 |
Letter of the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov to the councillor of State D.V.Polenov about setting up a special temporary committee for executing a peasant reform in the Olonets province and inviting him to be a member of this committee
letter (1860, December, 21)
27 |
Letter of the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev to a widow of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding about sending information about her husband"s death in Kargopol to the Committee of Justice of the Kingdom of Poland in order to settle a question of inheritance
letter (1873, July, 24)
28 |
Letter of the Olonets Governor to the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration about P.N.Rybnikov"s service in the Governor"s administration and statistics committee and a request to release him from strict surveillance of police
letter (1860, November, 12)
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Letter of the Olonets Governor to the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration duke V.A.Dolgorukov about a perfect behaviour, decent views and possible service in the Governor"s administration of P.N.Rybnikov
letter (1859, May, 19)
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Letter of the Olonets deputy noble assembly to A.Ya.Polenov about denial of decision-making concerning A.Ya.Polenov"s belonging to the noble family and about necessity to submit a certified extract from Moscow archive about the Polenovs" family
letter (1791, September, 4)
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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture |