National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture |
Search results: 93 document(s) |
61 |
Order of the Olonets governor V.F.Mertens to a councillor of the Olonets province administration G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov, about sending him to examine the condition of bridges and a road from Vytegra to Badog
instructions (1819, July, 18)
62 |
Order of the Olonets governor V.F.Mertens to a councillor of the Olonets province administration G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov, about the control over repair works of the roads in Vytegorsky uyezd
instructions (1819, July)
63 |
Paper signed by the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov necessary for a business trip of the collegiate secretary P.N.Rybnikov
authority for travelling on business (1861, January, 5)
64 |
Patent for granting a former land major A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Senate secretary by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)
65 |
Patent for granting a land brigadier A.Ya.Polenov a rank of councillor of State by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)
66 |
Patent for granting a land colonel A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Senate chief-secretary by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)
67 |
Patent for granting a land lieutenant-colonel and Senate secretary A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Court counsellor by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)
68 |
Petition of a widow of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev
envelope (1873, July, 17) [with digitized pages]
69 |
Petition of a widow of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev for receiving a death-certificate of her husband in order to submit it to the Committee of Justice of the Kingdom of Poland to settle a question of inheritance
application (1873, July, 17) [with digitized pages]
70 |
Polenov Dmitry Vasiljevich (1806-1878) and Polenov Vasily Dmitriyevich (1844-1927)
article (by national archives) [with digitized pages]
71 |
Receipt of G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov, for a bronze medal instituted by Manifest dd. 30 August, 1814 in memory of 1812 for putting it in the buttonhole on Vladimirskaya ribbon
receipt (1815)
72 |
Receipt of G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov, for submitting evidence of his belonging to nobility to the Olonets deputy noblemen council
receipt (1815, February, 9)
73 |
Receipt of a collegiate councillor V.G.Benediktov for looking through the content of the letter from the Olonets province administration about including his kin in the book of the nobility of the Olonets province and paying off a stamp-duty
receipt (1844, July, 24) [with digitized pages]
74 |
Record in the register of meetings of the Olonets province administration about the court counsellor G.S.Benediktov taking part in its work
record (1817, October, 6)
75 |
Record in the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about a temporarily nomination of the Administration Assistant Head Governor P.N.Rybnikov to the position of the office acting Secretary
record (1861, March, 14)
76 |
Record in the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about dismissal of the office acting Secretary P.N.Rybnikov
record (1861, April, 3)
77 |
Record in the register of the temporary Olonets province committee of the peasants" affairs about setting up such committee because of the Manifest dd. 19 of February 1861 and about the fact that a councillor of State D.V.Polenov was a representative of nobility in the committee
record (1861, March, 13)
78 |
Report of Petrozavodsk chief of city police to the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration about P.N.Rybnikov"s arrival in Petrozavodsk and the fact that he was taken to the city police
report (1859, March, 3)
79 |
Report of the Council of Order of Saint Vladimir to the Empress Catherine II about assigning Senate chief-secretary A.Ya.Polenov to the position of the Council Secretary
report (1786)
80 |
Report of the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration to the Olonets Governor about delivering a birth-certificate and a graduation-certificate of P.N.Rybnikov who was under surveillance of police in Petrozavodsk
message (1859, February, 27)
81 |
Report of the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration to the Olonets Governor about the reasons for sending a candidate of Moscow University P.N.Rybnikov to live in Petrozavodsk
message (1859, February, 26) [with digitized pages]
82 |
Report of the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev to the Committee of Justice of the Kingdom of Poland about the death of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding in Kargopol
message (1873, July, 24)
83 |
Report of the Olonets public chamber to the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov about giving money to an official P.N.Rybnikov sent on business
message (1861, February, 4)
84 |
Report of the councillor of the Olonets province administration V.G.Benediktov to the Olonets Governor V.F.Mertens about the results of examining the road from Vytegra to Badog and about a coming visit of the Emperor Alexander I to the Olonets province
report (1819, July, 16) [with digitized pages]
85 |
Report of the first department of Saint-Petersburg town council to the Olonets province administration about charging a collegiate councillor V.G.Benediktov a stamp-duty for including his kin in the book of the nobility
message (1844, August, 14)
86 |
Report of the official of special commissions P.N.Rybnikov to the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov about a Warsaw citizen F.Redlov and a Prussian citizen S.Liliyental selling linen incorrectly
report (1861, November, 25)
87 |
Report of the police-officer of Vasilyevsky district of Saint-Petersburg to the first department of Saint-Petersburg town council about informing a collegiate councillor V.G.Benediktov of including him in the book of the nobility of the Olonets province
report (1844, June, 31)
88 |
Rybnikov Pavel Nikolayevich (1831-1885)
article (by national archives) [with digitized pages]
89 |
Travel allowance paper signed by the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov necessary for a business trip of the collegiate secretary P.N.Rybnikov
authority for travelling by post-chaise
90 |
Ye.V.Barsov"s article in "Olonets province gazette" "A story about a trip to Solovki of Peter the Great"
article (1872, January, 29)
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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture |