National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture
Search results: 69 document(s)
A.I.Titov"s translations of the runes of the Karelian-Finnish epos "Kalevala" with reviewers" remarks translation
A.A.Ivanov"s article "About youth, Komsomol and myself" article (April, 6, 1970)
A.A.Ivanov"s poem "Northern night" poetry ([1934-1935]) [with digitized pages]
A.A.Ivanov"s poem from the front lyrics "About the beloved friend" poetry ([1945-1946])
A.A.Ivanov"s reminiscences about Ya.E.Virtanen, a poet reminiscences
A.I.Titov"s article "The role of "Kalevala" in my life" article (1974)
A.I.Titov"s collection of poems poetry (1933-1954) [with digitized pages]
A.M.Linevsky"s article "About the origin of the Karelian people" article
A.M.Linevsky"s article "800 years of friendship between the Karelians and the Russians" article (1949)
A.M.Linevsky"s article "About D.Ya.Gusarov"s life and works" article
A.M.Linevsky"s article "History of settling the southern-eastern Priladozhje" article
A.M.Linevsky"s article "Priladozhje community in XI-XIV centuries" article
A.M.Linevsky"s article "The Karelians" article
A.M.Linevsky"s autobiographical story "Summing it up.(Truth about myself)" story (1970-1971)
A.M.Linevsky"s autobiography autobiorraphy (1950)
A.M.Linevsky"s essay "Even stones can speak" essay
A.M.Linevsky"s novel "Doctor Podobin" novel
A.M.Linevsky"s photographs photography (1963-1970)
A.M.Linevsky"s portrait and illustrations to A.M.Linevsky"s book "Pages of the stone book" unknown type (1946) [with digitized pages]
A.M.Linevsky"s reminiscences "The twenties" reminiscences (1967)
A.M.Linevsky"s research work "About the essence of religious unrest in Karelia in the XVII C." article
A.M.Linevsky"s story "Childhood" story (1943)
A.M.Linevsky"s story "Not old, but forgotten" story
A.M.Linevsky"s story "Pages of the stone book" story
Abstract of A.M.Linevsky"s research work "Feudal relations of Priladozhje and Belomorsk territory of Karelia in XI-XVI centuries" author"s abstract
Abstract of A.M.Linevsky"s thesis for a Doctor"s degree "Feudalism of the southern-eastern Priladozhje" author"s abstract
Composition of D.Ya.Gusarov"s novel "Beyond mercy line" novel (1970-1976) [with digitized pages]
Contributors of the newspaper "Red Karelia". 1935 photography (1935) [with digitized pages]
D.Ya.Gusarov"s and N.K.Makeyev"s scenario of a play "Fear and conscience" staged by D.Ya.Gusarov"s novel "Call to action" scenario ([1960-ties.])
D.Ya.Gusarov"s articles about Russian literary men, Karelian partisans article (1961, 1992)
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