National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Russian researchers and scientists

Search results: 77 document(s)

"Live old times" - a periodical of ethnographical department of the Emperor Russian geographical society edited by its chairman Lamansky V.I.
magazine (1893)  [with digitized pages]

Application of a candidate of Moscow University P.N.Rybnikov to the Olonets Governor to employ him as an official of the administration of the Olonets Governor
application (1859, May, 24)  [with digitized pages]

Article in "Olonets province gazette" about A.F.Gilferding"s death, funeral in Kargopol and further transfer of his body for being buried on the cemetery of Novodevichy monastery in Saint-Petersburg
article (1872, July, 12)

Article in "Olonets province gazette" about awarding A.S.Chugunov a bronze medal for accompanying the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding during his trip around the Olonets province
article (1872, January, 29)

Article in the Olonets diocese registers "In memory of Nikolay Feofilaktovich Leskov"
article (1915,21 of November, 1 of December, 11 of December)

Barsov Yelpidifor Vasiljevich (1836-1917)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]

Dashkov Vasily Andreyevich (1819-1896)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]

Data about Ye.V.Barsov"s official work from the list of civil, military ranks and ecclesiastics published in "Notebook of the Olonets province dd. 1868-1869"
data (1868, March, 20)  [with digitized pages]

Decree of the State Berg-Board to the Olonets-Petrovsky works" Administration to let E.G.Laxman, an academician, to inspect mines in the Olonets district and collect pieces of ore and different rarities for Mineral room of the Academy of Science
decree (1778, October, 2)


Decree of the State Berg-Board to the Olonets-Petrovsky works" Administration to let E.G.Laxman, an academician, to inspect the works and collect samples for Mineral room of the Academy of Science
decree (1779, August, 8)


E.G.Laxman"s report to Petrozavodsk City Council about the purpose of his visit to Petrozavodsk and necessity to provide him with the data about physical, historical and economic situation in Petrozavodsk
message (1779, October, 4)  [with digitized pages]


E.G.Laxman"s request to the Administration of Olonets-Petrovsky works to submit him data about the history of mine industry in the Olonets region
letter (1778, November, 7)  [with digitized pages]


Gilferding Alexander Fedorovich (1831-1872)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]


Information (from the report of the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev for 1871) about a visit of the chairman of the ethnography department of the Emperor Russian Geographical society A.F.Gilferding to the Olonets province for studying folklore
data (1872, May, 1)


Information in "Olonets province gazette" about funeral of the chairman of the ethnography department of the Emperor Russian Geographical society A.F.Gilferding on the cemetery of Novodevichy monastery in Saint-Petersburg
information (1872, July, 15)


Information in "Olonets province gazette" about receiving the first part of Ye.V.Barsov"s collection "Lamentations of the Northern land" and a book review
information (1872, November, 4)


Laxman Eric (Kirill) Gustavovich (1737-1796)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]


Leskov Nikolay Feofilaktovich (1871-1915)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]


Letter of the Chairman of Moscow archaeological society to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the society Ye.V.Barsov to a research expedition
letter (1875, May, 18)  [with digitized pages]


Letter of the Chairman of the Emperor Russian Geographical society F.P.Litke to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about a coming trip of the chairman of the ethnography department A.F.Gilferding around the Olonets province and about rendering him assistance
letter (1871, May, 26)  [with digitized pages]


Letter of the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev to a widow of the councillor of State A.F.Gilferding about sending information about her husband"s death in Kargopol to the Committee of Justice of the Kingdom of Poland in order to settle a question of inheritance
letter (1873, July, 24)


Letter of the Olonets Governor to the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration about P.N.Rybnikov"s service in the Governor"s administration and statistics committee and a request to release him from strict surveillance of police
letter (1860, November, 12)


Letter of the Olonets Governor to the Head of the 3d Department of the Emperor"s administration duke V.A.Dolgorukov about a perfect behaviour, decent views and possible service in the Governor"s administration of P.N.Rybnikov
letter (1859, May, 19)


Letter of the Secretary of the Olonets Statistics Committee P.N.Rybnikov to Kimmel"s bookstore about submitting its invoices for spreading the 3rd part of the collection "Songs collected by P.N.Rybnikov"
letter (1861, April, 18)


Letter of the Secretary of the Olonets Statistics Committee P.N.Rybnikov to Kimmel"s bookstore about the Committee"s subscription to the newspaper "Allgemeine Zeitung" for 1861 and prolongation of the subscription to the newspapers "Unsere Zeit", "Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Staatswissenschaft"
letter (1860, December)


Letter of the Secretary of the Olonets Statistics Committee P.N.Rybnikov to Kimmel"s bookstore about the Committee"s subscription to the newspapers "Revue des deux mondes", "Revue germanique", "Economiste Belge", " Berliner Revue" for 1861
letter (1860, November, 7)


Letter of the Secretary of the Olonets Statistics Committee P.N.Rybnikov to the editorial office of "Iskra" newspaper about the Committee"s subscription to this newspaper
letter (1861, January, 14)


Letter of the Secretary of the Olonets Statistics Committee P.N.Rybnikov to the office of the Emperor Russian Geographical society about the Committee"s subscription to "Notes of the Emperor Russian Geographical society"
letter (1861, January, 20)


Letter of the director of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums V.A.Dashkov to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the Society of old-Russian art Ye.V.Barsov to the expedition around the Olonets province
letter (1871, June, 2)  [with digitized pages]


Letter of the director of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums and the chairman of the Society of old-Russian art V.A.Dashkov to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grigoryev about sending a member of the society Ye.V.Barsov to an expedition around the Olonets Province
letter (1871, June, 2)  [with digitized pages]

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture