National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture
Search results: 556 document(s)
"Hook" notation of the church psalms found by an official of special commission during the search of Shozhmozerskaya Staroobryadcheskaya Pustyn" (Old Belief Heritage lecture [with digitized pages]
A.I.Titov"s translations of the runes of the Karelian-Finnish epos "Kalevala" with reviewers" remarks translation
G.R.Derzhavin"s suggestions to the department of public charity upon the results of the inspection of a new hospital in Petrozavodsk offer (1785, 25 of October)
M.I.Gavrilov"s photograph photography (1970 ) [with digitized pages]
Photograph of Urho Antikainen( brother of Toivo Antikainen ) with brief information about him photography ([1941 -1945 ])
Photograph of the Finnish male group of the "Kantele" ensemble photography (1966) [with digitized pages]
Photograph of the kantele-players of the orchestra of the "Kantele" ensemble photography (1966 )
Photograph of the old music instrument photography [with digitized pages]
Toivo Tasanen. "Day of surprises" (comedy in 2 acts) play (1962) [with digitized pages]
V.N.Popov"s report on the results of his business trip to Shuya sent to the circle of fine arts of the Olonets province department of public education report ([ not later than 1920, 17 of April.]) [with digitized pages]
"Karelian song about Stalin" composed by N.Levi to words from B.Likharev with N.Levi"s legend to M.I.Gavrilov unknown type (1951 , 1952, June) [with digitized pages]
"Live old times" - a periodical of ethnographical department of the Emperor Russian geographical society edited by its chairman Lamansky V.I. magazine (1893) [with digitized pages]
A letter of Olonets and Petrozavodsk bishop Ionafan to the Olonets Governor G.G.Grirorjev about incorrect construction of Lutheran meeting house in Vytegra letter (1876)
A.A.Ivanov"s article "About youth, Komsomol and myself" article (April, 6, 1970)
A.A.Ivanov"s reminiscences about Ya.E.Virtanen, a poet reminiscences
A.I.Titov"s article "The role of "Kalevala" in my life" article (1974)
A.I.Titov"s collection of poems poetry (1933-1954) [with digitized pages]
A.M.Linevsky"s article "About the origin of the Karelian people" article
A.M.Linevsky"s article "800 years of friendship between the Karelians and the Russians" article (1949)
A.M.Linevsky"s article "About D.Ya.Gusarov"s life and works" article
A.M.Linevsky"s article "History of settling the southern-eastern Priladozhje" article
A.M.Linevsky"s article "Priladozhje community in XI-XIV centuries" article
A.M.Linevsky"s article "The Karelians" article
A.M.Linevsky"s autobiographical story "Summing it up.(Truth about myself)" story (1970-1971)
A.M.Linevsky"s autobiography autobiorraphy (1950)
A.M.Linevsky"s essay "Even stones can speak" essay
A.M.Linevsky"s novel "Doctor Podobin" novel
A.M.Linevsky"s photographs photography (1963-1970)
A.M.Linevsky"s portrait and illustrations to A.M.Linevsky"s book "Pages of the stone book" unknown type (1946) [with digitized pages]
A.M.Linevsky"s reminiscences "The twenties" reminiscences (1967)
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