National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Iohanson О.E.

Search results: 9 document(s)

Bibliographical index of O.Ioganson"s works made by his wife H.Ioganson
index (1957)

Collection of poems and stories "Collection of a wood-cutter"
poetry (1932)  [with digitized pages]

Iohanson Oscar Erlandovich (1892-1939)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]

Minutes of the meeting of the bureau of the Karelian Association of proletarian writers
minutes (1930, October, 8)

O.Ioganson"s novel "Iron vortex"
novel (1935)  [with digitized pages]

O.Ioganson"s novel "Red partisans"
novel (1931)  [with digitized pages]

O.Ioganson"s poem
poetry ([1929])  [with digitized pages]

Photograph of the Karelian writers
photography  [with digitized pages]

U.S.Partanen"s recollections of the writer O.Ioganson
reminiscences (1956, December, 30)  [with digitized pages]

National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture