National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Polenov A.Ya.

Search results: 12 document(s)

Deed of the Empress Catherine II to award Senate chief-secretary A.Ya.Polenov Order of Saint duke Vladimir of the Fourth Class
deed (1786)

Extract from the archive in Moscow about the Polenov"s family presented by A.Ya.Polenov to the Olonets deputy noble assembly
extract (1786)  [with digitized pages]

Letter of councillor of State, Senate chief-secretary, holder of an order of Saint Vladimir A.Ya.Polenov to the Olonets deputy noble assembly providing evidence of his belonging to the noble family
letter (1786, October, 5)

Letter of the Olonets deputy noble assembly to A.Ya.Polenov about denial of decision-making concerning A.Ya.Polenov"s belonging to the noble family and about necessity to submit a certified extract from Moscow archive about the Polenovs" family
letter (1791, September, 4)

List of documents presented by A.Ya.Polenov to the Olonets deputy noble assembly to prove his belonging to the noble family
list (1786, October, 5)  [with digitized pages]

Order of the Olonets deputy noble assembly to deny decision-making concerning A.Ya.Polenov"s belonging to the noble family
resolution (1791, August, 28)

Patent for granting a former land major A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Senate secretary by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)

Patent for granting a land brigadier A.Ya.Polenov a rank of councillor of State by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)

Patent for granting a land colonel A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Senate chief-secretary by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)


Patent for granting a land lieutenant-colonel and Senate secretary A.Ya.Polenov a rank of Court counsellor by order of the Empress Catherine II
licence for granting a rank (1786)


Polenov Dmitry Vasiljevich (1806-1878) and Polenov Vasily Dmitriyevich (1844-1927)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]


Report of the Council of Order of Saint Vladimir to the Empress Catherine II about assigning Senate chief-secretary A.Ya.Polenov to the position of the Council Secretary
report (1786)

National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture