National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Polenov D.V.

Search results: 8 document(s)

Data about electing the councillor of State D.V.Polenov to be a member of a special temporary committee for executing a peasant reform
data (1860)  [with digitized pages]

Data from D.V.Polenov"s service record about his service from 1823 till 1859
data (1860, December, 29)  [with digitized pages]

Extract from the case of the Olonets Chamber of criminal and civil court about cutting down woods by a land-owing lady Sablina in the country-side of a landlord D.V.Polenov
extract (1852, December, 23)

Information from the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about a country property in Yerpenichi country-side of Lodeynopolsky uyezd that belonged to a councilor of State D.V.Polenov
record (1861, July, 10)  [with digitized pages]

Letter of the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov to the councillor of State D.V.Polenov about setting up a special temporary committee for executing a peasant reform in the Olonets province and inviting him to be a member of this committee
letter (1860, December, 21)

Letter of the councillor of State D.V.Polenov to the Olonets Governor A.A.Filosofov about his consent to become a member of a special temporary committee for executing a peasant reform
letter (1860, December, 27)  [with digitized pages]

Polenov Dmitry Vasiljevich (1806-1878) and Polenov Vasily Dmitriyevich (1844-1927)
article (by national archives)  [with digitized pages]

Record in the register of the temporary Olonets province committee of the peasants" affairs about setting up such committee because of the Manifest dd. 19 of February 1861 and about the fact that a councillor of State D.V.Polenov was a representative of nobility in the committee
record (1861, March, 13)

National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture